This project involved the demolition and reconstruction of the Spectra Energy Needham Regulator Station. The team demolished the existing regulator, installed new regulators, inspected and recoated the existing pipeline headers, and installed a new pre-cast concrete building over the equipment. The existing pipeline bypass on site was them removed and disposed of.
What makes it interesting?
All work was completed while a temporary bypass was in place and the pipelines in the station were active and under full working pressure. The major obstacle of the project was dealing with tight access points due to being in a residential neighborhood.
How HCSS Software assisted with this project
HeavyBid allowed BOND to be successful in being awarded the project. Bidding to a private client, BOND had to provide detailed unit costs and work zone breakdowns and prepare several iterations of the proposal as the requirements changed during negotiations. HeavyBid allowed BOND to generate a cost analysis to compare different alternatives for the project, specifically the delivery and installation of the meter building.