desilva gates construction

DeSilva Gates Construction: San Francisco International Airport

Project Description

The Runways 1-19 Runway Safety Area (RSA) Improvements Project at the San Francisco International Airport was awarded to Golden Gate Constructors, a Joint Venture of DeSilva Gates Construction and Granite Rock Company. The $95 million project involved the reconstruction of both ends of the San Francisco Airport’s north/south runways, construction, and realignment of various taxiways, construction of new jet blast fences, new airfield electrical lighting equipment, new navigational equipment, drainage modifications, and installation of four Engineered Materials Arrestor Systems at the ends of each runway for the safety of aircraft.

The project involved 125,000 cubic yards of excavation, 150,000 cubic yards of fill placement, 1.5 million square feet of asphalt grinding, 125,000 tons of cement-treated base placement, and 150,000 tons of asphalt placement.

What makes it interesting?

The project was the largest construction project on the airfield since the airport was originally built. To complete it, the airport had to completely close two of its four runways for 86 days. During this closure period, 85 percent of contract work was completed by working double shifts day and night for six to seven days a week.

How HCSS Software assisted with the Project.

HeavyBid helped DeSilva Gates Construction and Granite Rock Company put together a complete estimate. Using activity codebooks and material codebooks helped them manage many subcontractor quotes using the Quote System with a limited amount of time to complete the bid for the project.

After 145,000 man-hours worked, the project had no recordable injuries or lost-time accidents, was under budget, exceeded the stringent FAA contract quality requirements, achieved completion with no unresolved issues or claims, and received many awards, including the International Partnering Institute’s highest award, the Partnered Project of the Year Award.

DeSilva Gates Construction



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