HCSS Announces New Partnership with Miter to Help Contractors Build Strong Teams
The collaboration will streamline time-tracking, HR, payroll, and compliance.
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The collaboration will streamline time-tracking, HR, payroll, and compliance.
Two powerful products in the HCSS platform (HeavyBid and HeavyJob) can be acquired on their own, but the two are as inseparable as peanut butter and jelly.
For all you estimators out there using HeavyBid, we’ve got the latest updates on industry bids from last month.
Buckley & Company, Inc. saved commuters from months of detours after a tragic bridge collapse on I-95 in Pennsylvania.
Aquifer will integrate with HeavyBid and HeavyJob software to help HCSS customers work more efficiently by streamlining manual data entry across applications.
This partnership further integrates clear oversight and helps contractors and their customers streamline the documentation of time and materials work.
If you’re a student looking to carve out a path of success in software, or a professor teaching hungry upcoming students, these updates are well worth noting.
Eric Hanson, Founder of Precision Directional Boring, shares how the integration of multiple HCSS products has helped his business succeed over the years.
Connects HCSS customers to complementary products and services to be even more efficient and profitable.
The integration of HeavyJob and Sonitrax will digitize the entire material management process.
The CEO of Trendsetter Construction, Inc., Joel Campbell, credits the time & material billing feature in HeavyJob for improving cash flow and more.
Winning bids is a game of decimal points, and HCSS has collaborated on a long-running project to carefully analyze Bid Letting results at the highest level.