The Westside Trail Project is a 2.5-mile trail on an abandoned railway through urban land in Atlanta. The trail is made of exposed aggregate colored concrete and involves construction of 80,000 square feet of mechanically stabilized earth, cast-in-place concrete, and tie-back retaining walls, all veneered with custom-cut granite; more than a mile of stainless steel railings; pedestrian lighting the entire length; security cameras; nearly 2 miles of storm drainage — including 20-foot-deep underground detention — and the installation of a duct bank for the eventual construction of a light rail system.
What makes it interesting?
The Westside Trail Project is part of the Atlanta Beltline, a major green infrastructure project in Atlanta costing $30.5 million.
How HCSS Software assisted with this project
The project is underway and being managed with HeavyJob and was bid with HeavyBid. HeavyBid streamlined the information and made it possible to manage the costs across so many line items with ease and clarity. It is doubtful that the job could have been bid without the software. The two other bidders were CW Matthews and ER Snell — both HeavyBid users.