BOND worked with Northeast Utilities to complete the Stamford Reliability Cable Project. Work started in March and ended in November 2014. The effort included furnishing and installing a complete and operable 115 kV cable duct bank system that extends 1.5 miles between two substations in Stamford, Connecticut. The project improved the Stamford area’s transmission system, increasing electric power reliability for customers to meet their growing energy needs. It also ensured that the area’s electric grid conforms to national and regional reliability standards. The scope of work included 1.5 miles of duct ban, three splice chambers, and 200 linear feet of pipe jacking.
What makes it interesting?
This project is now improving the transmission system in the Stamford area so customers will have reliable electric power to meet their growing energy needs. It will also ensure that the area’s electric grid conforms to national and regional reliability standards.
How HCSS Software assisted with this project
HeavyBid helped BOND win this project by allowing us to separate base bid lump sum and unit price items, strictly add unit price, and add allowances to compile a competitive bid. HeavyBid also allowed simple recalculations based on revised scopes of work to refine the bid through several rounds of negotiations.