More than 40 percent of our HeavyBid customers now own HeavyJob, and HeavyJob is our top-selling product at HCSS. Crews, foremen, and project managers get most of the benefit from HeavyJob, but there are three areas where using HeavyJob can help estimators:
History of achieved productions — Clicking the binoculars button in HeavyBid will show an estimator all of the production histories by cost code that are recorded in HeavyJob. They can then include or exclude jobs to find similar work, and find the most relevant, achievable production for that work. The estimator can also copy the achieved production rates directly into the notes section on HeavyBid to justify their work. This is especially useful for younger estimators who can use production histories to show “where I got that number.”
Daily feedback to/from the field — Once you win a job, the estimator’s notes, crews, and production rates can be easily viewed in HeavyJob so foremen can understand what the estimator was expecting to happen. If something goes wrong, the foremen and estimator can talk about the issue and either correct the work the crews are doing, or educate the estimator about how the work is performed to improve future estimates.
Change orders — If you have changes large enough to require estimates, you can make the estimates in HeavyBid and transfer them directly into HeavyJob.
For those estimators who also manage the jobs they win, HeavyJob can help you better manage your projects.
“I’m able to job cost daily per activity, including subs, materials, and rented equipment,” said Jordan Gall, project engineer for Teichert Pipelines. “This feature allows me to stay ahead of budgeting and cost forecasts. The best part is that time saved from traditional forecasting processes allows for better management of a project.”
If your company owns HeavyBid but not HeavyJob, give us call at 800-683-3196 to set up a demo or come check it out at our upcoming User Group Meetings. We’ve made significant changes to HeavyJob over the past year with new mobile apps and multiple new features.