The Bachman WTP Project is modifying the water treatment plant to change the treatment process, including enhanced coagulation and biological filtration, for improved water quality and disinfection stability. These changes are needed to be in compliance with the new requirements of the EPA’s Safe Water Drinking Act and Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule. Bachman WTP is a very constrained site. There is work going on at all 3 DWU WTPs in north Texas, so construction schedule and sequencing of shutdowns is critical and has many milestones with LD’s associated with them. MWH is removing the old chain-and-flight sludge collectors and replacing them with a new system called the Zickert Sludge Removal System.
What makes it interesting?
In the Secondary Treatment Basins, MWH is removing the old chain-and-flight sludge collectors and replacing them with a new system called the Zickert Sludge Removal System in all three trains at the Bachman WTP. It is more commonly used in European countries and relatively new in the United States.
How HCSS Software assisted with this project
HeavyJob allows us to have our foremen do time in the field on their iPads. They also can take pictures and tag them to location. Supervisors do separate daily reports but combine to one single report. HeavyJob tracks our production on the fly while updating quantities. Project manager and project superintendent use the projection report to track individual codes (labor, material, equipment and GC’s) and overall job cost. We use “true up” to update HeavyJob for the material and equipment cost for the project from our accounting software.