For the Tenaris Pipe Mill project in Bay City, Texas, WT Byler excavated and embanked over 1.5 million cubic yards of earth material and installed complete storm water system, including over 10,000 linear feet of underground pipe. They soil stabilized over 48 acres utilizing 2,400 tons of lime and installed over 250,000 square yards of geo-grid material. The project required Importing and placing to line and grade 400,000 tons of aggregate base. Forces peaked at 95 personnel including sub-contractors, and the company utilized over 60 pieces of earth-moving equipment. Site management included one project manager, one project engineer, one survey crew, one site safety officer and two site superintendents.
What makes it interesting?
Working directly for the owner, WT Byler performed site clearing and grubbing and constructed a 1.3 million-square-foot pipe-mill structural building pad three weeks ahead of schedule, not including 15 rain days. A maintenance agreement is currently in place, with over 150,000 man-hours without lost time accidents.
How HCSS Software assisted with this project
WT Byler won the project by utilizing HeavyBid to to determine cost. Then once on site, they utilized Equipment360 and FuelerPlus to maintain their fleet. They tracked their transport trucks and heavy machinery with HCSS GPS for the project duration.