

Product Renewal FAQs


Helping you to better understand your renewal

Understanding Your Renewal

See terms you don't recognize? Here's a breakdown to help you understand your renewal:

Subscription-based renewals

With this model, you pay a simple, annual subscription to access your HCSS products and services. (Services include software updates, 24/7 support, HCSS Academy, and HCSS Community.)

Here's what you may see on your subscription-based renewal:

Annual subscription (SaaS) or Annual subscription to web +/or mobile app (SaaS): This subscription provides access to the HCSS product as well as services for one year.

License-based renewals

Licenses are a legacy model that involved a one-time payment to own a desktop product. An annual maintenance fee is required per license, however, to access HCSS services (software updates, 24/7 support, HCSS Academy, and HCSS Community). An annual subscription is also required to access the web/mobile component of the product.

Here's what you may see on your license-based renewal:

Annual maintenance: This maintenance fee provides access to HCSS services for one year.

Annual subscription to web +/or mobile app (licensed user): This subscription provides one-year access to the web and/or mobile app component of the licensed product. Available subscriptions are capped at the number of licenses you have on maintenance.

Annual subscription to web +/or mobile app (SaaS): If your web/mobile needs surpass the number of licenses you have on maintenance, this subscription kicks in for additional users. It provides web and/or mobile access to the HCSS product as well as services for one year.


If you have questions or want to transition to our simpler subscription-based model, let's chat!

Contact your Customer Success representative (listed on your renewal), or email