Equipment Inspection with Safety Always In Mind
Having HCSS Safety and Equipment360 fleet inspection software work together bridges communication between the field and the shop, helping your team catch potential equipment failures before they happen. As inspections are being performed in Safety, any failed items can be sent as an alert directly to the Equipment360 Manager’s dashboard. From there, fleet managers can add the alert to a work order, backlog the work, or dismiss the alert.
Back in HCSS Safety, the status of the alert or work order is visible and can be viewed in the inspection form where the issue was reported. Without this cross-team visibility, safety managers can miss items to check, paper reports would get lost in transit, and there would be no way to confirm any urgent repairs.

Your first product
- Equipment Inspections
- Preventative Maintenance Alerts
- Work Orders
Pairs well with
• Inspections
• Incidents & Near Miss
• Safety Meetings
• Observations
A comprehensive GPS solution that can help you manage your entire mixed fleet and achieve maximum construction equipment utilization.
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