E&B Paving Joins HCSS Champions Program “The Champions program is great... I'm on first name basis with the person on the other end. They already have...
QR Codes + HCSS Safety Gives HEI Civil Instant Access to Training Documents, Certifications and a World of Resources “Part of the power of HCSS Safety is that it gives the visibility I need to ensure that our supervisors...
Clyde Companies Uses HCSS to Allocate Fuel Clyde Companies turned to HCSS FuelerPlus to report more accurate fuel and fluid data in the field and send it...
Achen-Gardner Reaches One Million Man Hours Without Lost-time Incident It takes time to make a meaningful culture change within an organization. For Achen-Gardner Safety Manager Cesar Martinez, it took...
Ed Bell Construction Bids 23 Projects in 2 Days Using HeavyBid Doug Teter, Vice President of Ed Bell Construction, shares his experience with HeavyBid and how it's helped them submit and...
W. Webber's Utilities Division Uses HeavyBid to Build Master Estimates HeavyBid was originally designed for heavy civil, but it works for all types of industries, including utilities, power, and more.
James Construction Gets Instant Boost with Cloud James Construction Group had used HCSS HeavyBid estimating software since 1999 to estimate and bid heavy civil construction jobs across...
Achen-Gardner Uses HCSS Products for More Accurate Reporting Contractor’s use of full suite of HCSS products over last 20 years has helped them fully invest in future technology.